
Bakdaulet Tunggysh, graduate student of Al Farabi Kazakh National University

Ibray Duman,  graduate student of Al Farabi Kazakh National University

Musaly Layla, researcher of Abai Research Institute

Dautova Bibigul, researcher of Abai Research Institute







Al-Farabi Kazakh national university

It is hard to overestimate the importance of education: be it the 19th century when Abai wrote about it or be it the 21st century of technological advancements and globalization, where education became a choice.

Particularly for developing countries like Kazakhstan, education is significant – evidence of which can be seen in our sustainable development goals, where quality education is the fourth, first three being fights against poverty and hunger, and the third being good health and well-being.

And in this regard, it is of particular importance that in 2024, on January 15, one of our country’s leading universities, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, will be celebrating its 90th anniversary.

Since 1934, KazNU has greatly contributed to the formation and development of the economy, culture, science and education of Kazakhstan and has become the stronghold of higher education in our country, the largest talent pool in the entire Central Asian region. High quality of education, international recognition, constant research activities, leading teaching staff and talented graduates are what KazNU could always be rightfully proud of.

Al-Farabi Library

As a testament to the status of the university, according to the results of a study by the international rating agency QS World University Rankings, KazNU took 150th place among universities of the world in the 2022 academic year, and in the QS University Rankings for countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, KazNU took 11th place out of 200. In both ratings, our university got the highest rating among all universities in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

KazNU is still the largest university in Kazakhstan, with almost 20 thousand students from all regions of the country, as well as from near and far abroad. The university prepares future specialists in more than 180 directions of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. And that is possible because of the highest concentration of prolific scientists – evidence of the stark intellectual potential of the university.

To conclude, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University along with all other top universities of our country can be a stark evidence that our predecessors did not fight for nothing, did not write for nothing, did not try for nothing because today our education is also highly competitive and generations of today and to come can acquire it in their own country. And the fact that KazNU is already 90 years old we see as a historical victory, as a historically important event, as one of the bricks of the foundation of the future of our Kazakhstan.



Bakdaulet Tunggysh, graduate student of Al Farabi Kazakh National University

Ibray Duman,  graduate student of Al Farabi Kazakh National University

Musaly Layla, researcher of Abai Research Institute

Dautova Bibigul, researcher of Abai Research Institute




ағылшынша жазылған мақаланың қысқаша мазмұны:


Тарихтың әр бетінде оқу-білімнің маңызы туралы жазылғаны хақ және бекер емес. Ыбырай атамыз “Кел, балалар, оқылық!” деп хрестоматиясын жазғалы бері өткен бір жарым ғасырда еліміздің ел болып, бүгінгі таңға жетуінде оқу-білімнің маңызы сөзсіз. Сол себепті де, ҚазҰУ 90 жылдық мерейтойы атап өтерлік кеш қана емес, орасан зор тарихи маңызы бар белес. Мақалада ҚазҰУ сол 90 жылдығына орай қандай жетістіктерге жетіп, сол жетістіктерінің еліміздің дамуы контекстіндегі маңызы туралы сөз қозғалады.


Құрметпен, Тұңғыш Бақдәулет


Чт, 9 нояб. 2023 г. в 10:11, Bakdaulet Tunggysh <kazakhman4@gmail.com>: