Рухани жаңғыру – ұлттық сана қалыптастырудың методологиялық  негіздері

ArynovZh. M.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, Almaty, e-mail: Arynov2050@gmail.com

Smagulova A.

Candidate of philological Sciences, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, Almaty, e-mail: smagulova.aigerm@kaznu.kz









The article considers: treatises of al-Farabi, the work of ZhusupBalasagun “KuttyBilik”, didactic poem of Ahmet iugineka “the gift of truth” (commandment), “diuanilugat-at-Turk” by Mahmud Kashkari, “chronicle of Turks” by Abylgazy, “chronicle of Turks”, “chronicle of Ancient Kipchak” and others. Rashidi”,” zhohannama”, kydyrgaliKasymovichZhalayyrdynUrus-tavarikh” (collection of yearbooks), works of Folk” nysabnami”,”Nauryz–Bayiti”chronicle of the Kazakh language is particularly important for generations of works b.knowledge.

               Keywords:rouhani zhangyru, national identity, methodology of science, views, ideas, morality, religion, language, art, literature.



Арынов Ж. М.

Тарих ғылымдарының кандитаты, Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университеті­­, Қазақстан, Алматы қ., email: Arynov2050@gmail.com

Смагулова А.

Филология ғылымдарының кандитаты, Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университеті­­, Қазақстан, Алматы қ., emailsmagulova.aigerm@kaznu.kz




Рухани жаңғыру – ұлттық сана қалыптастырудың методологиялық  негіздері


Мақалада: халқымыздың білім беру негізінің қалануына Әл-Фарабидың трактаттары, Жүсіп Баласағұнның «Құтты білік» еңбегі, Ахмет Иүгінекидің «Ақиқат сыйы» дидактикалық поэмасы (өсиетнама), Махмұд Қашқаридің «Диуани лұғат-ат-түрік», Әбілғазының «Түрікпен шежіресі», «Түрік шежіресі», «Көне қыпшақ жазу шежіресі» т.б. көп әсері болды. Мұхаммед-Хайдари Дулати «Тарихи Рашиди», «Жоһаннама», Қыдырғали Қасымұлы Жалайырдың «Жамиғат–Тауарих» (жылнамалар жинағы), халық туындылары «Нысабнами»,«Наурыз-бәйіті» қазақ шежіресі т.б ұрпақ танымы үшін аса маңызы зор шығармалар.

Түйін сөздер: рухани жаңғыру, ұлттық сана, ғылымның әдістемесі, көзқарастар, идея, мораль, дін, тіл, өнер, әдебиет.



Арынов Ж. М.

Кандидат исторических наук, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы, e-mail: Arynov2050@gmail.com

Смагулова А.

Кандидат филологических наук, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби, Казахстан, Алматы, e-mail:smagulova.aigerm@kaznu.kz



Рухани жаңғыру – национальное сознание методологических основ формирования


В статье рассматриваются: трактаты Аль-Фараби, труд Жусупа Баласагуна «Құтты білік», дидактическая поэма Ахмета Иугинеки «дар истины» (заповедь), «Диуани лұгат-ат-Турк» Махмуда Кашкари, «летопись тюрков» Абылгазы, «летопись тюрков», «летопись Древнего Кипчака» и др. Мухаммед-Хайдари м. х. Дулати «Тарихи Рашиди», «Жоһаннама», Кыдыргали Касымович Жалайырдың Урус–Таварих» (сборник ежегодники), произведения народного «Нысабнами»,«Наурыз-бәйіті» летопись казахского т.особо важное значение для поколений произведений б. познаний.

               Ключевые слова: духовное возрождение, национальное самосознание, методология науки, взгляды, идеи, мораль, религия, язык, искусство, литература.




Changing world every day brings together the consciousness of stereotypes and principles arimasa other SEZs drietomica and quickly absorbed, thereseems tea with the countries-leaders, not eyemist tilstrom. To change an already firmly yourself, bring that attitude to spiritual renewal through the currents of time in the minds of the present generation a new era of national life is maintained, in line sum positive aspects, properties, inherent value in the modernization of the nation.




The issue of rouhani  zhangyrumodernization of the Kazakh people was not only discussed today. From the first years of independence, the problem of the formation of historical consciousness was put on the agenda. In this direction in 1995 the “Concept of formation of historical consciousness of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was developed, which emphasizes the need to create a true image of our history. However, scientists-historians faced the task of writing history, from the point of view of new views on current problems, ideas, judgments and formulations. But independent, new conclusions are not easier to draw. After all, the Marxist system of historical science, based on class domination, used in the Soviet period, was unsuitable for the study of the history of an independent country. Therefore, there was a need to revise the theoretical and methodological problems of historical science.


Rouhani zhangyru of national consciousness methodological bases of formation


According to the famous scientist M. Koigeldiev, ” but in a new context and a new quality of studying the history of Kazakh society, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of everyday history and voiced history as a new methodological issue. In Western countries, this method of research is the study of the history of society it is necessary to pay attention to the lives of people in the lower sociallevel. In the historiography of Kazakhstany should be perceived as an attempt to come to the history of the nation and the state through a simple human life in society. At the same time, along with large social structures, the history of micro structures: families, families, small communities is on the way to study” [“Karatau KB”, publishing house “Specialty”, 2015. -240 p. Yes, as you know, the formation of national consciousness associated with the development of modern society is the main task of our day.

Also pay attention to the opinion of the scientist H. Abzhanov “basically the truth of science opens methodological science. Methodological science, as a small key to a huge gate, systematically analyzed and analyzed the final principles and methods of organization and construction of theoretical and practical human activity, determined the scope of their application, Possibilities, interrelation, correspondence of reality to its properties and laws, based philosophical-logical, cognitive-theoretical justification, contributes to the further development of knowledge and social experience. Now, instead of the old Leninist, Marxist methodology, we have a methodology that takes into account civil methodology, national and state interests. The truth is to say that historical science is exploring a deep level that. In our national history, we have reached a level that considers not only as part of world history, but also as a kind of history that has deep roots.” “There is nothing in the history of the Kazakh people that is ashamed of the Kazakh”, – said the head of state Nursultan Abishevich. It’s true. And the problems accumulated over many years in history are gradually being solved, and most importantly, the potential of historical science is now significantly increased. If to speak “literature-business”, then “history-business and husband”, – the author told

Nevertheless, we, joining the opinion of the author, until the middle of the twentieth century, the emphasis was placed on the study of history at the macro level (the history of the state, the nation, the elderly). This method of research is important in understanding, research and generalization of the life of society, its passed path. However, historians now recognize that this trend has weaknesses. Macrotarich was helpless to reveal the daily life of the individual, especially the “little” people in society (i.e. ordinary people), changes in his life.

However, in world historiography, the peculiarity of this trend, which became the “anthropological revolution”, was that the emphasis in historical research was placed on the transfer of emphasis from global structures to everyday life. That is, it was a manifestation of a new approach to assessing the phenomenon of man, his place in the historical process. In other words, historiography now had to focus on the everyday lives of ordinary people. This year, as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war and the 20th anniversary of the Armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a solemn event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in the great Patriotic war will be held in Astana. That is, daily history and voiced history are interrelated means of cognition of social history, the way to cognition of life, including the daily life of ordinary members of society, small social groups and structures [“Dastur”, 2015.-244 p.].

Therefore, we must get rid of the stereotypical principles that are quite diligently assimilated in the consciousness and worldview, spiritually prophesy and modernize. At the same time, it is important to always remember that the main condition for rouhani  zhangyrusmodernization is the preservation of the national code and to form a new system of thinking in accordance with world changes. For example, the basis of education of our people were laid treatises of al-Farabi, the work of Zhusup Balasagun “Kutty Bilik”, didactic poem of Ahmet iugineka “syyy of truth” (Testament), “Diuani lugat-at-Turk” Mahmoud Kashkari, “Turkic chronicle” Abylgazy, “Turkic chronicle”, “chronicle of Ancient Kipchak” and others. Dulati “Tarikhi Rashidi”, “zhohannama”, kydyrgali Kasymovich Zhalayyrdyn Urus-tavarikh” (collection of yearbooks), works of folk “nysabnami”,”Nauryz–Bayiti” chronicle of the Kazakh language is particularly important for generations of works of knowledge. Therefore, the preservation of the national code is an expression of strengthening the national being and inheriting it from generation to generation. Due to the fact that currently there are more than 50 religious associations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including more than 50 religious denominations. Today’s situation requires a theoretical disclosure of the essence and meaning of historical consciousness, structure, mechanisms of formation and laws of functioning.  Historical consciousness is always filled with clear-historical, social, national and individual content.

At the present stage, three levels of social memory can be demonstrated. They are: 1) at the global level, 2) at the national level and 3) on a personal level fundamental changes: on the individualized level, there has been “anthropological revolution”, on social or ethnic level has seen an unprecedented impetus to national identity, but on a human level, experiencing a process of information globalization. However, the problem of historical consciousness comes to a leading position [Almaty, 2011. – 291 p]. Therefore, each part constituting the totality of social consciousness (views, ideas, political and legal consciousness, morality, religion, language, art, literature, science…), has a history. Today, the historical analysis of the origin of these phenomena, the conditions of development, is of great interest.

At the same time, the head of state noted that the very concept of “national modernization” means the maturity of national consciousness. There are two aspects of it. First, the expansion of the horizons of national consciousness. Secondly, to change a number of its characteristics, preserving the core of national existence. National traditions, language and music, literature, rituals, in a word, the national spirit must remain forever.” However, since the historical education of the Kazakh child is formed first through folklore, Kazakh literature in the national consciousness is a “historical monument”. The book summarizes foreign and domestic experience in the production of environmentally friendly products, including requirements for soils, technologies, seeds, fertilizers. For example: in the organization of the event “My Kazakhstan”, studying photos from art places of Kazakhstan, works of artists, to tell about where they were shot, who built them; or K. Zhumadilov “Daraboz“, I. esenberlin “Nomads”, etc. organization of readers ‘conferences on the works or study of the state of Kurmangazy” Kairan sheshem” “ “Konilashar”, Tattimbet “Sarzhailau”, etc. Almaty: April 12, 2017.

“Our main ideology-cooperation between Nations, “friendly relations” – is an actual problem of education of patriotism among young people. The Soviet Union, at least under the prevailing approaches of national consciousness, then its restoration of the ancient HOMESTEAD, adhere to its idea of protection-the requirement of the era, this feeling from generation to generation, is Miras ” [Almaty: Kazakhstan, 1993. – 133 p.] in his thought-of waves. National consciousness is closely connected with Patriotic consciousness, sense of patriotism. Patriotic feeling-is associated with the above Holy concepts: joy, pride, adoration, love, etc. involves solving the problems of formation, awakening, development, excitement to the spectrum of emotions.

We believe that the national consciousness is included in the group of high feelings. After all, it refers to “moral feelings in connection with socially significant and individual mood”, which is closely related to the improvement of consciousness. National consciousness, an indicator of patriotism-the activities of young people. At the same time, activity is the main factor contributing to its developmentofformation. In the course of the activity, young people will contribute to increasing the value of the environment, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of Patriotic consciousness, the development of feelings and qualities. The main activity of youth is education, increase of cognitive abilities, development of abilities. Together with them there are such actions as active participation in public events, self-service, assistance to the household. The main task of teachers and parents of other adults is to give them a Patriotic education. In other words, the combination of personal interests of young people with national, domestic, state, national interests. At the same time, on the basis of 11 principles of the Germans, given as an example, Amangeldy could create a model, based on the fact that today it would be possible to help solve the actual problem of education of patriotism, national consciousness [ truth. 1997. – N 9. – 135 b.].The formation of historical consciousness is now very important. He, first of all, says that a certain part of people is a single people, historical destinies, traditions, culture, language, ethnopsychology.

In his speech, President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev noted that the article of the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev “the way to the future: modernization of public consciousness” is the most important document formed on the basis of specific positive approaches to the development of education in the country. The article emphasizes that not losing the national being, the national code, and modernizing their consciousness, combining it with world values, preserving and preserving their own values, in the future in accordance with our reality.  At the same time, the head of state separately focused on several areas of modernization of the consciousness of citizens. Analyzing the problem of “modernization of consciousness”, The President of Kazakhstan outlined six directions of modernization:

  1. competitiveness;
  2. Pragmatism;
  3. Preservation of national identity;
  4. triumph of knowledge;
  5. evolutionary, not revolutionary development of Kazakhstan;

6.the transparency of consciousness [Kazakhstan truth, April 12, 2017. – 12 P.]. But In the great steps  “seven faces” to read the word in the history of the Turkic embroidered kameen article interine inventory, inhabiting steps, the huge alashari to the formation of the historical society, in the minds of the present generation, of course, gave impregnate. During the meeting, issues related to the implementation of the state program” Cultural heritage“,” people in the flow of history ” and the interview of the head of government  Nursultan Nazarbayev in Ulytau, presentation of speeches in honor of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanatepeople meaningful continuation, analysis, as well as ways of implementing comprehensive plans, studying history, heritage, art, formation from generation to generation were discussed.


Rouhani zhangyruwealth is the source of life of every country and people. It is not so much more difficult to lose the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, but to revive it, to look at it in a new way, to use it in many ways. We believe that we should study the national crafts of the Kazakh people, study our spiritual heritage.





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