Ұлыдаланың  Ұлы  тұлғасы  ұлтымыздың  мақтанышы ƏбуНасыр əл-Фараби   бабамызға 1150 жыл


АрыновЖ. М.



Қазақстан, Алматы

қ., email: Arynov2050@gmail.com

СмагуловаА. С.



Қазақстан, Алматы қ.,



Ұлыдаланың  Ұлы  тұлғасы  ұлтымыздың  мақтанышы

ƏбуНасыр əлФараби   бабамызға 1150 жыл


Ұлы даланың Түркі руханиятының түп қазығы болған Шығыстың ғұлама ойшылы Араб-мұсылмандық шығыс философиясының өкілі, Отырар қаласында дүниеге келген, ойшылдардың бірі – Әбу Насыр Әл Фараби. Оның толық есімі – Әбу Насыр Мұхаммед ибн Мұхаммед ибн Тархан ибн Узлағ әл Фараби ат-Түрки (870-950жж.) болатын. Әлемге әйгілі философ жан-жақты энциклопедист ғалым, дәрігер, физик, психолог, математик, астороном, музыкант, ақын, т.б.  болғандықтан, метафизикалық және онтологиялық мәселелерді таразылауда да өзіндік төлтума идеяларын ұсынған. Өзінің білімділігі мен сауаттылығының арқасында әлемнің “Екінші Ұстаз” атанған.


Түйінсөздер:энциклопедист ғалым,

дәрігер, физик, психолог, математик,

астороном, музыкант, ақын.

Арынов Ж. М.

Кандидат исторических наук,

Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби,

Казахстан, Алматы, e-mail: Arynov2050@gmail.com

Смагулова А.CКандидат филологических наук,

Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби,

Казахстан, Алматы, e-mail:smagulova.aigerm@kaznu.kz


Великий человек Великой степи гордость нации Абу Насыр аль-Фараби 1150 год


Один из мыслителейАбу Наср Аль – Фараби, родившийся в городе Отрар, представляющий восточную философию арабо-мусульманского Востока, являвший стержнем тюркской духовности Великой степи. Его полное имя-Абу Насыр Мухаммед ибн Мухаммед ибн Тархан ибн Узлаг Аль-Фараби ат-Турки (870-950гг.)) был. Так как всемирно известный философ всесторонне-энциклопедист, ученый, врач, физик, психолог, математик, астороном, музыкант, поэт и др., Он выдвинул свои идеи для взвешивания метафизических и онтологических проблем. Благодаря своим знаниям и грамотности, мир стал “вторым учителем”.


Ключевые слова: ученый-энциклопедист, врач, физик, психолог, математик, астороном, музыкант, поэт.


ArynovZh. M.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, Almaty, e-mail: Arynov2050@gmail.com

Smagulova A.

Candidate of philological Sciences, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, Almaty, e-mail: smagulova.aigerm@kaznu.kz


Great man of the great steppe pride of the nation Abu Nasir al-Farabi 1150



At the same time, as last year, he was one of the founders of the Turkic spirituality of the great steppe-Abu Nasr al – Farabi, who was born in the city of Otrar, and was one of the thinkers who spent his childhood in these countries – Abu Nasr al-Farabi. His full name is Abu Nasir Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Tarhan Ibn Uzlag al-Farabi at-Turki (870-950)) was. Since the world-famous philosopher-encyclopedist, scientist-encyclopedist: doctor, physicist, psychologist, mathematician, astoronomist, musician, poet, etc., He put forward his ideas and multiplication of metaphysical and ontological problems. Thanks to their knowledge and literacy, the world has become a “second teacher”.


Keywords:scholar and lexicographer, physician, physicist, psychologist, mathematician astronom, musician, poet.





Great man of the great steppe pride of the nation Abu Nasir al-Farabi 1150



At the same time, as last year, he was one of the founders of the Turkic spirituality of the great steppe-Abu Nasr al – Farabi, who was born in the city of Otrar, and was one of the thinkers who spent his childhood in these countries – Abu Nasr al-Farabi. His full name is Abu Nasir Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Tarhan Ibn Uzlag al-Farabi at-Turki (870-950)) was. Since the world-famous philosopher-encyclopedist, scientist-encyclopedist: doctor, physicist, psychologist, mathematician, astoronomist, musician, poet, etc., He put forward his ideas and multiplication of metaphysical and ontological problems.

Thanks to their knowledge and literacy, the world has become a “second teacher”.


According to legend, the Uzbek scientist B. khairullayev ” al-Farabi should get his first education in one of the Otrar madrassas. Because since ancient times, one data, the rest, various crafts and science Maurennahrda teach children, parenting, learning, starting from the moment when their five-year-old ” gives information about that. “Al-Farabi studied and was brought up in Otrar until the age of 20, then visited Samarkand, Bukhara, Hiua and most of the East, and for a long time was in Baghdad the political and cultural center of the Arab Caliphate.”


Abu Nasir grew up in science from childhood, fortunately, at that time he had a very rich library. Al-Farabi studies Persian and Greek, and reads scientific treatises in this language. After receiving primary education in Farab and Massa, al-Farabi goes to Bagdat to improve his knowledge. On the formation of Outlook of farabee their impressions of scientific traditions and philosophical orientations Merv schools. In Baghdad, al-Farabi studies science and various disciplines. While in Bagdat, the scientist lived in the cities of Egypt, shamah, and Caleb.






In particular, he noted that Islam is one of the main values of Islam. At the same time, as in the whole world, there is no religion in Islam, no religion, no religion, no other religion, no religious affiliation, no religious affiliation, no religious affiliation, no religious affiliation, no religious affiliation, no religious affiliation. Today, the scientist, who has not lost his relevance, has made a great contribution to the development of science, such as philosophy and logic, mathematics, physics, astronomy, botany, language and literature, medicine and music. Today, al-Farabi’s views are widely used in such fields of science as philosophy and sociology, ethics and aesthetics.

In this regard, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “on religious activities and religious associations” (hereinafter-the law), in order to implement the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “on religious activities and religious associations”, the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan decides: in the works of the thinker” the second teacher”,” in the aphorisms of the statesman”,” views of the Charitable urban population”, it pays great attention to the principles of charity, classifies human qualities that thrive society. Sharing donations ethical and intellectual, the first wanted to be in man restraint and heroism, generosity and justice. In the history of science, the earliest works of source and bibliographic character about the life of Abu Nasir al-Farabi and the manuscript heritage of Abu Nasir al-Farabi are medieval Arabic-language sources. Among them, most of the scientists who have devoted research to the legacy of the thinker, first of all, contemporaries of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, the Arab historian Ibn al-Nadim.-384 iizhra) (“al-Fihrist” – “lists”)[1].

In his research, the Great Ancestor of al-Farabi paid special attention to issues of ethics and morality. The subject of ethics research is the norms of morality, behavior, and ethics. According to al-Farabi, the highest category of ethics is happiness. Һe wrote 164 treatises from such Sciences as natural science, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, logic, ethics, metaphysics, geography, literature, linguistics, music[2]. Curiously, the German scientist Qu. the number of works by Farabi. But Steishneider is not 117, but a Turkish scientist. Atesh-160, and the Tajik scientist B. Gafurov-200 treatises[3]. However, the most popular of scientific works is called “treatise on the worldview of noble citizens”. His famous work “the great treatise on music” has been translated into many languages of the world. Al-Farabi wrote explanations for numerous works of the Greek thinker Aristotle in the field of philosophy: “categories”, “Metaphysics”, “Hermeneutics”, “Rhetoric”, “Poetics”, “Analytics”, “topic”, etc.  Also, Greek scholars testify that the book, devoted to ideas in the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, is an outstanding scholar in the field of philosophy and deeply mastered philosophy. In his report he noted that at the present time, as elsewhere in the world, in Kazakhstan, in the world, while most of al-Farabi’s works will disappear before us, it is impossible to reveal his worldview as a whole, only certain ideas and conclusions are known. And today it intends to modernize its image of the Islamic religion, which seeks such a versatile empathy.

In 1970, the research scientist Akzhan Mashani in the historical novel” al-Farabi”, published in the publishing house” zhazushy”, reliably wrote the story at a meeting held by this Amir. In General, Akzhan Mashani wrote three works of art. 1) – science fiction novel “Gerastina Sayahat”, dedicated to the science of youth; 2) – historical documentary novel “al-Farabi”, which embodies the civic image of the great thinker; 3) – novel “Tabu”, dedicated to the Kazakh worldview. At the same time, at a meeting organized by the Syrian Emir, al-Farabi corrects the sound of various musical instruments. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Al-Farabi purchased an instrument that he brought with him, captures the Cui and delights the audience. Sayf ad-da, who is very fond of music, instructs to write a book about music. This was the reason for writing the “Great book of music”, which is one of the legacies of immortality for al-Farabi. At the same time, al– Farabi was one of the first in the history of Kazakh statehood.  4 – the first document among contemporaries, about which al-Farabi is the son of Kipchak, was published by the President of the Kazakh SSR Kanysh Satpaevbayev. In the words of akjan Agha, this is a document widely covering al-Farabi’s work in the FA. Then akan was published in 1961 in the Bulletin of the Academy No. 5 “on the works of al-Farabi”. When the article touches on the issue of celebrating al-Farabi’s 1100th birthday, a lot of data has already been accumulated in his hands.

Pay attention to the scientists-researchers of the Reale j. at the same time, as in the previous year, Islam became one of the most authoritative and most authoritative in the world, and was also the only author’s commentary on the philosophy of Abu Ali Ibn Sina, who considered it the most authoritative “[4]. “The great book of music” is one of the works devoted to the theory of music that al-Farabi presented to the world. Al-Farabi also wrote fundamental works in the field of music. After the Great book of music was published, he was recognized by all the scientists of the world as the “second teacher” after Aristotle. Two volumes of this book of 1200 pages consists of the famous French orientalist R. Erlanger in 1930-1935. translated into his own language.

In this work, he first recorded musical sounds on paper using mathematical methods and first appeared in the world of note. Now there are seven notes in music, and the number of notes in al-Farabi’s work is 12.  The treatise consists of four main parts. A. Kubesov classifies: a) “introduction to Musical art”; b) “theoretical foundations of musical art”; C) “musical instruments”; C) “musical composition”[5].In the field of music for the first time will talk about the musical expression of sounds, modern theoretical levels of notes and musical education in the work “the great book of music”. At the same time, in the metaphysical direction, they study: ontological, basic conceptual and clear, fundamental philosophical problems, images of thinkers about “bar” and “no”; movement and its types; problems of “formation” and “creation” by a reasonable study of the relationship of form (form) and matter; reflections on place and space, the nature of the Creator in the act of the universe, etc.


At the end of his life, al-Farabi, who became famous on earth, died in this city. The burial ground is located on the site of this Shahar, called the small gate (Bab as-sagir).  In his works, the novelties of al-khwarezmi, Ibn Sina, and other scholars lead to the era of solemn education and make ideas viable. Al-Farabi, known in the world as “the second teacher”, wrote more than two hundred works, among which are “comments on Almagescu”, “Metaphysics”, “the emergence of Sciences”, “the book of colleagues” and others. Marjane East-Chicago, who for Years gallarini poets.Balasagunnyn competition “Val”, M.Literary monuments “the current location of this Diuana-turkisiit”, A.Yassauidyn “book of Wisdom” and “When Hikmeti” of the Turkic thinker ” -only one aspect of the works of scientists.

Undoubtedly, these special people from this birth have become bright representatives of wisdom and wisdom on the land of the great steppe, and their lives and activities are an indispensable way to instill the above-mentioned sacred concepts on the way to patriotism and patriotism.





  1. Ibn an-Nadim. Al-Fihrist. Cairo. – 1978.
  2. Derbisaliev A. A. Stars of the Kazakh steppe (historical and philological research). – Almaty: Rauan, 1995. – 12-b.
  3. Kelimbetov N. ancient literary monuments of the Turkic peoples. – Almaty: Rarity, 2011. — 432 p.

4.The Real Railway., Antiseri D. Western philosophy from its origins to the present day. 2. T. the middle Ages. SPb; too “Petropolis”, 1994. – p. 120.

  1. C. Kobesova Ul. Al-Farabi. – Almaty: Kazakhstan, 1971.-124 PP.